
Autohtonaistarskarakijaposebna je potome t oje dobivena prema originalnom receptu starom 2000.godina koji potjece jos iz doba starih Kelta koi su tada obitavali na istarskom poluotoku. Spravljena je komovice, imele i triju vrsta trava, ubrane kada obiluju naivecim postotkom etericnih ulja. Okusom ce iznenaditi svako nepce, ozivjeti tradiciju, a mirisom upotpuniti cjelokupni doziv|jaj.
Posluziti rashladenu kao aperitiv ilidigestiv.

The native Istrian brandy is special in that it is made according to an original 2,000-year-old recipe that dates to the time of the ancient Celts who lived on the Istrian
peninsula. Comfrey, mistletoe and three types of herbs are prepared and harvested when they are abundant with the highest percentage ofessential oils. It will surprise every palate with itstaste, revive tradition,and complete the entire experience with itssmell.
Serve chilled as an aperitif or digestif.